Sunday, May 19, 2024, 10:00 am, Canoe Trip to See Shoals Spiderlilies on the Flint River, Upson County

Note:   Preregistration is required.  Please email the trip leader, Hal Massie, at:

Description:   The purpose of this paddle on the Flint River will be to get up close and personal with the shoals spiderlily, or Cahaba lily, Hymenocallis coronaria, a Threatened species in Georgia. At normal water levels, the lilies are difficult to reach by wading into the river, so we are going to paddle right into the heart of a very large population of this lovely wildflower. We should also see American water-willow, Justicia americana flowering among the hundreds of shoals lilies. Southern catalpa, Catalpa bignonioides, which has remarkably showy flowers, may also be in flower on the river banks, along with oakleaf  hydrangea, Hydrangea quercifolia. Since we will be floating down to the main population and lingering among them, this trip will be an excellent opportunity to photograph the shoals spiderlilies. After we’ve had our fill of this beautiful aquatic member of the Amaryllis family, we’ll paddle downstream for about 4 miles to the Pobiddy Bridge. If you don’t want to float the entire 4 miles, you can do an easy out and back from the canoe launch on Big Lazer Creek.

Special Considerations:   Preregistration is required. You must bring a boat yourself or partner with someone who has space in a boat. The Flint River Outdoor Center on highway 36 will rent boats, but they do not shuttle the boats to where we will be. This trip will involve a shuttle at the take out. We will leave one or more vehicles, depending on the size of the group, at the Pobiddy Bridge to shuttle everyone back to the vehicles at the put-in on Big Lazer Creek.

Directions:   From Thomaston, take US 19 south for about 3.5 miles. Turn right onto Indian Trail Road. At the first stop sign, stay to the right. Follow Indian Trail Rd. to Pobiddy Rd. and turn left onto Pobiddy. Stay on Pobiddy Rd. for several miles. You will eventually come to the Pobiddy Bridge, a new bridge that crosses the Flint River. On the left, before crossing the bridge, is the entrance to the boat ramp.  Turn in there and look for a bunch of river rat/plant geeks.

Meet:   10:00, at the Pobiddy Bridge boat ramp.

Facilities:   None.

Difficulty:   This is an easy stretch of river, but there are rocks and patches of shoals spider lilies that will require some ability to maneuver. Total paddling distance is about 4 miles.

Bring:    Lunch, water, camera, and a sense of adventure. Oh, and bring a boat.

Contact:    Hal Massie (478-957-6095), cell reception may be poor on morning of trip.